Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Portrait of Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Milan, 1977.
Socrates-Erasmus recipient, DeMontfort University, UK, 2000.
Degree, architecture, Politecnico di Milano, 2002.
Founding partner, Degli Esposti Architetti, 2006.
Phd, Architecture and Urban Design, Politecnico di Milano, 2008.
Member, Amici della città ideale, with Guglielmo Mozzoni, 2009-2014.
Curator, Padiglione Architettura of Regione Lombardia, presided by Vittorio Sgarbi, EXPO 2015.
Adjunct professor, Politecnico di Milano, 2007-2018.
Adjunct professor, Università degli studi di Genova, 2014-2016.
Coordinator, The Art of Building Cities course, Athens Programme, with Ernesto d’Alfonso, 2013-2016.
Director, Composition Workshop DEEP Milano, Politenico di Milano, 2013.
Coordinator, Composition Workshop DEEP Brera, Accademia di Brera, 2016.
Italian Design Day speaker, Seoul, 2019.
Senior curator, Galleria Tulpenmanie, Milan, 2014-2024.
Director, Degli Esposti Architetti, 2006-2024.


Paolo Lazza

Portrait of Paolo Lazza

Born in 1971, Paolo graduated with a degree in Architecture in 1996 at Milan Politecnico, with a thesis on the restoration of the Castello di Pavia, under the supervision of Marco Albini. He worked for the Studio di Architettura Castelli and then joined the Studio di Architettura Degli Esposti in 1999, during the competitions for the Milan Politecnico Bovisa Headquarters, with Gabetti & Isola and FIAT Engineering, and then for the Regione Piemonte Tower with Jean Pierre Buffi. He was associate partner of Guido Degli Esposti and responsible of the management of the firm, developing projects of residential, office and mixed use buildings. Paolo joined Lorenzo Degli Esposti, becoming founding partner and director of Degli Esposti Architetti in 2006 and founding partner and president of the Architectural & Urban Forum in 2009. Paolo is responsible for all the tasks and commissions as director of Degli Esposti Architetti and focuses on the feasibility study and concept development activities by the firm.


Silvia Bassi


Silvia is responsible for purchases, accounting and administration for Degli Esposti Architetti.

segreteria @ dearchitetti.it


Paolo De Vizzi


Stefano De Vita

Portrait of Stefano De Vita

Stefano graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2008 at Milan Politecnico. In the meantime he worked for several offices in particular for over ten years with the Studio Associato di Architettura Ferrazza-Gatti. Passionate about technology, Stefano likes to call himself artisan of architecture; he joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2017. In Degli Esposti Architetti, Stefano is responsible for construction administration and project supervision activities.


Francesca Grassi

Portrait of Francesca Grassi

Francesca graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2007 at Milan Politecnico. Francesca worked on infrastructures and office design projects and later on large residential building design, also participating in numerous national and international tenders, in collaboration with several offices. Francesca joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2017. In Degli Esposti Architetti, Francesca is responsible for permit acquisition activities and public works projects.


Sergio Sinopoli Gera Minucci

Sergio graduated from Università Iuav di Venezia in 1998. During these over 20 years, Sergio has collaborated with several well-known Milanese studios where he gained autonomy in project management by combining creative experience with project design. He has dealt with many residential and commercial/retail projects, and later on also some projects in the field of development of masterplan, interior design and art direction, and construction work. Sergio joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2022.


Giuliano Godoli

Giuliano Godoli

Giuliano graduated in Florence with a degree in Architecture in 2012. Since 2013, he has worked with several studios on office design projects, residential building design and site supervision. He joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2023.


Wanyu Liang

Wanyu Liang

Wanyu graduated with a bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture in 2017 at Nanjing Agricultural University, and master degree in Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage in 2021 at Politecnico di Milano. After her collaborations with LOOK Landscape Design Office, Wanyu joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2020, in her role of business development and communication assistant.


Shaohang Qiu

Shaohang Qiu

Shaohang graduated at China Academic of Art in 2018 with a Bachelor Degree in Architectural design and Urbanism and Master Degree in Architecture and Urban design in 2022 at Politecnico di Milano. He joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2022, in his role of competition development assistant.


Loris Curto Pelle


Loris graduted at University of Genoa in 2020 with a Master Degree in Architecture. After several collaborations in studios in Genoa, he joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2022.


Design Assistants-Interns:

Luca Avigo, Berkay Rüzgar Bozacı.
Giulia Scuderi, Ali Soror A Alaithan.


Since 2006, the following people have been collaborating with Degli Esposti Architetti:


Stefano Antonelli (2011-2013).


Sonia Polenghi, Annalisa Di Pietto, Francesca Napoli, Federica Crespi.

Senior Architects:

Alessandro Betta, Armando Bettella, Alice Bottelli, Federico Campana, Briselda Calliku, Salvatore Cappello, Roberto Castiglioni, Federico Cecere, Daniele Ceppi, Stefano Cerri, Luca Chieregato, Sara Daniele, Francesco Degli Esposti, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Pierluigi Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Joi Donati, Michela Florio, Marco Frontini, Ugo Licciardi, Lorenza Maineri, Federico Mazza, Michele Megna, Michele Miserotti, Lara Morganti, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Francesca Olivieri, Ilaria Presezzi, Matteo Scopigno, Susanna Spiti, Maria Paola Pizzaferri, Gianluca Punzi.

Junior Architects:

Carlos Arcos, Hayk Badalyan, Laura Basello, Francesco Breganze, Daniele Buso, Tommaso Caenaro, Irene Cosca, Bombina Coschignano, Tommaso Cossu, Giorgio Costantino, Egle Costantinopoli, Elena Covili, Joe Dagher, Giulia Margherita Dalla Bona, Livia Daniele, Gaia D’Alpaos, Stefano D’Armento, Giulia Dalla Bona, Andrea De Giorgi, Federica Del Duca, Valeria Donini, Marco Galloni, Juan David García Florez, Michele Gerli, Matías Ignacio Ramírez Bravo, Stefania Landoni, Elena Lazzarini, Gloria Lesma, Alina Lippiello, Giulia Luppino, Mauro Marinelli, Hayk Martirosyan, Cesare Merluzzi, Marco Morselli, Stefano Mozzi, Arjon Muarremi, Davide Andrea Nolli, Marta Novarini, Gregorio Pecorelli, Elena Piazza, Francesca Maria Pozzi, Silvia Puglisi, Francesco Rabuffetti, Alessandro Raffa, Vittorio Raspa, Anna Rizzo, Erika Sala, Lorenzo Scappa, Matteo Schgör, Lorenzo Serra, Pietro Servalli, Andrea Somma, Maria Elena Soriero, Antonio Tanzini, Massimiliano Trespi, Giuseppe Venturini, Andrea Zecchetti, Blazej Zemleduch, Daniele Zerbi.

Design Assistants:

Alessandro Abate, Shaghayegh Abbaszadeh Zoshki, Andrea Abeni, Ulviyya Akhundova, Giuseppe Albanito, Cesare Albergoni, Ceyda Alkara, Yarim Alkim Eker, Filippo Altissimi, Rafaela Anastasiou, Andrea Angonoa, Marco Angrisani, Maria Antonia Pescaru, Giacomo Ardesio, Matteo Asperti, Vittorio Attili, Sargun Aykac, Sara Baldelli, Pavel Bartov, Alessandro Bellieni, Nicolas Bello Melo, Andrea Benzi, Carlo Bernyak, Silvia Binetti, Chiara Biselli, Andrea Bonatti, Jean Philippe Bonnefoi, Agata Olga Borecka, Miriana Borghesi, Elisa Borgia, Eleonore Bouchu, Natalia Brancaleon, Elena Bragalini, Alessandra Brembati, Francesco Brusegan, Caterina Buontempo, Zoë Burgess, Fabio Calabretta, Alessandra Carallo, Carola Carnelli, Gianluca Carotenuto, Roberto Castelli, Andrea Cazzaniga, Ayse Celik, Irene Sofia Ceron, Guglielmo Chiappa, Francesco Cicogna, Saskia Marie Collado, Laura Colombo, Elisabetta Colombo, Daniela Colombo, Andrea Cordò, Edoardo Croce, Luigi Crucianelli, Dennis Crudo, Yagmur Danis, Saba Danusso, Valeria D’Alessandro, Cihangir Demirel, Piyusha Desale, Andrea Di Marzo, Ettore Disconzi, Giulia D’Onofrio, Gabriele Donzelli, Sara El Aawar, Rana Elsayed, I Putu Febry Kusuma, Pietro Fedrigolli, Rebecca Felline, Nora Fetaj, Lara Fraccadori, Mariana Lima Freire Santos, Andrea Fumagalli, Ayagoz Gabdulina, Paola Gambero, Nika Gasimbeyli, Elisa Gibin, Anamaria Giraldo, Konstantina Gkovari, Michela Gorlezza, Benedetta Gozzi, Minyue Gu, Elif Gucman, Luigi Guerini, Giacomo Guidi, Julian Blair Heatley, Michael Iannaco, Sergio Iemmola, Rojin Jahangirrad, Renhang Ji, Peichun Jiang, Li Jiang, Aleksi Javakhishvili, Tamta Jugashvili, Ece Kalaycioglu, Isil Karaoglu, Luke Kerridge, Amir Reza Khazeni, Zeynepnaz Kocabas, Merve Kocyigit, Anna Kononova, Zak Iljas Kosseifi, Nodar Kvanchiani, Celina Labanca, Adrian Labaut Hernández, Candelaria Lanza Castelli, Ludovica Lanubile, Rubén Larramendi Soria, Jiang Li, Zhifeng Li, Yuying Li, Xuda Liu, Francesca Liva, Juan Manuel Jaramillo Lonono, Oana Luca, Niko Malazonia, Enrico Mancadori, Matteo Mancinelli, Gianluca Manciola, Nicholas Manganini, Lorenzo Marsigli, Ilaria Martarelli, Adolpho Meirelles, Luca Melis, Francesca Mellace, Julian Camilo Mendoza Rodriguez, Tommaso Mennuni, Federica Mercandelli, Suna Mertoglu, Endri Metaj, Ramtin Meyghani, Samane Michael Qashqaei, Aldo Moccia, Andrea Mologni, Cansen Molva, Francesca Monteleone, Amro Mostafa Fawzy Abdelhafez, Federica Montingelli, Alessandro Musolino, Fabio Nicolò, Mattia Oretti, Jabrayil Orujov, Zainab Ahmed Osman, Naz Ozkaragoz, Ceren Ozsahin, Anna Pagliarusco, Federica Palermo, Ginevra Parietti, Chiara Parolini, Eleonora Pasino, Francesco Pasquino, Patrizio Pelosi, Martha Peña Villa, Giorgia Perale, Manuela Perfetti, Margarita Petrova, Laura Pettinaroli, Givanni Picchi, Armando Pjetri, Giovanni Podestà, Selene Rini, Roelfke Rachele Rossignoli, Laura Romano, Claudia Ronconi, Kadhan Ruskanda, Marilena Russo, Mario Vera Saez, Sahand Saeidi, Marco Sala, Juan Andrés Salas Cardenas, Shivalli Sanap, Elia Sardina, Mirta Scalabrin, Riccardo Scarvaci, Alessia Schirinzi, Enrico Sciannameo, Tommaso Serafini, Antonella Serinelli, Angelo Sertorelli, Jia Shi, Emre Silan, Luca Simoncini, Luca Spolaore, Luca Stagnoli, Yifei Sun, Rishitha Suvarna, Stanislav Tabov, Luca Tamburini, Valentina Tedeschi, Davide Tezza, Greeshma Thankachan, Claudia Tiraboschi, Xin Tong, Luana Torri, Federica Travaglini, Matteo Tronci, Ilgin Egzi Tunc, Teodora Tyankova, Demet Guliz Uslu, Susàna Velasquez Ochoa, Rodrigo Velasco, Amarda Velcani, Marco Voltolina, Maria Voronkova, Luisa Wang, Qiaoyi Wang, Yuqing Wang, Bing Wu, Longhui Xu, Mucahit Melih Yavuz, Betul Yetkin, Miray Yoruk, Difan Yu, Guangzhou Yu, Zuchen Yu, Yangxing Zhang, Yixiang Zhang, Yongheng Zhang.

Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Portrait of Lorenzo Degli Esposti

Born in 1977, Socrates-Erasmus recipient in 2000 (DeMontfort University, UK), Lorenzo graduated at Milan Politecnico with a degree in Architecture in 2002 (supervisors: Francesco Gnecchi Ruscone, architect of Milanese Reconstruction; Filippo Tartaglia, past president of Accademia di Brera) and earned a Phd in Architecture and Urban Design in 2008, with a thesis on composition processes in art and architecture, with a focus on Peter Eisenman’s research. Degli Esposti’s thesis was developed at the PhD School of Milan Politecnico under the guidance of prof. Ernesto d’Alfonso, and in New York City, thanks to an invitation by Peter Eisenman in his office to study in depth the subject. Initiated into architecture by his father Guido, Lorenzo Degli Esposti joined Paolo Lazza, becoming founding partner and director of Degli Esposti Architetti in 2006 and founding partner and director of the Architectural & Urban Forum in 2009. Degli Esposti then joined the Amici della Città Ideale activities, promoted and animated by Guglielmo Mozzoni, rationalist architect; together with Carlo Bertelli, art historian; Antonio Migliacci, civil engineer; Giorgio Galli, political scientist; among the others. During the Expo 2015, Lorenzo Degli Esposti was appointed curator of the Architecture Pavilion of Regione Lombardia, hosted in the Grattacielo Pirelli by Gio Ponti and Pier Luigi Nervi. Degli Esposti has been teaching architectural composition and landscape and giving lectures and critics in several Italian and European universities since 2006; he writes articles and essays on art, architecture and urban design; he is editor of the book DEEPmilano on the Milanese palazzo (2016) and of the book Milan, Capital of the Modern (2017), published in two editions (Italian and English) by Actar Publishers, and kept in more than 50 academic and institutional libraries worldwide. In 2018, Degli Esposti had his Phd thesis published as the book Operazioni (in arte e in architettura). Lorenzo is responsible for all the tasks and commissions as director of Degli Esposti Architetti and focuses on the artistic direction and concept development activities by the firm.


Paolo Lazza

Portrait of Paolo Lazza

Born in 1971, Paolo graduated with a degree in Architecture in 1996 at Milan Politecnico, with a thesis on the restoration of the Castello di Pavia, under the supervision of Marco Albini. He worked for the Studio di Architettura Castelli and then joined the Studio di Architettura Degli Esposti in 1999, during the competitions for the Milan Politecnico Bovisa Headquarters, with Gabetti & Isola and FIAT Engineering, and then for the Regione Piemonte Tower with Jean Pierre Buffi. He was associate partner of Guido Degli Esposti and responsible of the management of the firm, developing projects of residential, office and mixed use buildings. Paolo joined Lorenzo Degli Esposti, becoming founding partner and director of Degli Esposti Architetti in 2006 and founding partner and president of the Architectural & Urban Forum in 2009. Paolo is responsible for all the tasks and commissions as director of Degli Esposti Architetti and focuses on the feasibility study and concept development activities by the firm.


Sonia Polenghi

Portrait of Sonia Polenghi

Sonia is in charge of purchases, accounting and administration for Degli Esposti Architetti.
segreteria @ dearchitetti.it


Stefano De Vita

Portrait of Stefano De Vita

Stefano graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2008 at Milan Politecnico. In the meantime he worked for several offices in particular for over ten years with the Studio Associato di Architettura Ferrazza-Gatti. Passionate about technology, Stefano likes to call himself artisan of architecture; he joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2017. Stefano is responsible for construction administration and project supervision activities by Degli Esposti Architetti.


Francesca Grassi

Portrait of Francesca Grassi

Francesca graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2007 at Milan Politecnico. Francesca worked on infrastructures and office design projects and later on large residential building design, also participating in numerous national and international tenders, in collaboration with several offices. Francesca joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2017. Francesca is responsible for permit acquisition activities by Degli Esposti Architetti.


Francesca Olivieri

Portrait of Francesca Olivieri

Francesca graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2019 at Milan Politecnico, where she is now teaching assistant. Francesca joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2019. Francesca is responsible for architectural drawing and representation at Degli Esposti Architetti.


Wanyu Liang

Wanyu graduated with a bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture in 2017 at Nanjing Agricultural University. After her collaborations with LOOK Landscape Design Office, Wanyu joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2020, in her role of business development and communication assistant.

Praveen K. Ramachandran


Praveen graduated with a bachelor degree in Civil Engineering in 2012 at Anna University, Coimbatore, India. After his collaborations with WARP Architects (Coimbatore, India), Buro Ole Scheeren (Beijing, China), David Chipperfield Architects (Shanghai, China), Praveen joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2020, in his role of 3D artist.


Nicola Giannoni

Nicola graduated with a degree in Architecture in 2019 at Milan Politecnico. After his collaborations with ARX (Florence), Laboratorio Permanente (Milan), SAANA (Tokyo), Manuel Cervantes Estudio (CDMX), Nicola joined Degli Esposti Architetti in 2020, in his role of bid management assistant.


Design Assistants-Interns:

Joe Dagher, I Putu Febry Kusuma, Ramtin Meyghani, Qiaoyi Wang.



Since 2006, the following people have been collaborating with Degli Esposti Architetti:


Stefano Antonelli (2011-2013).

Design Responsibles:

Laura Basello, Armando Bettella, Alice Bottelli, Briselda Calliku, Salvatore Cappello, Roberto Castiglioni, Federico Cecere, Daniele Ceppi, Stefano Cerri, Luca Chieregato, Francesco Degli Esposti, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Pierluigi Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Joi Donati, Michela Florio, Stefania Landoni, Elena Lazzarini, Gloria Lesma, Lorenza Maineri, Federico Mazza, Michele Megna, Michele Miserotti, Lara Morganti, Elena Piazza, Maria Paola Pizzaferri, Ilaria Presezzi, Silvia Puglisi, Matteo Scopigno, Susanna Spiti, Gianluca Punzi, Giuseppe Venturini.

Design Assistants:

Alessandro Abate, Shaghayegh Abbaszadeh Zoshki, Andrea Abeni, Ulviyya Akhundova, Giuseppe Albanito, Cesare Albergoni, Filippo Altissimi, Rafaela Anastasiou, Andrea Angonoa, Marco Angrisani, Giacomo Ardesio, Matteo Asperti, Vittorio Attili, Sargun Aykac, Pavel Bartov, Alessandro Bellieni, Andrea Benzi, Carlo Bernyak, Andrea Bonatti, Jean Philippe Bonnefoi, Agata Olga Borecka, Miriana Borghesi, Elisa Borgia, Eleonore Bouchu, Natalia Brancaleon, Francesco Breganze, Alessandra Brembati, Francesco Brusegan, Caterina Buontempo, Daniele Buso, Tommaso Caenaro, Fabio Calabretta, Carola Carnelli, Gianluca Carotenuto, Roberto Castelli, Irene Sofia Ceron, Francesco Cicogna, Saskia Marie Collado, Laura Colombo, Elisabetta Colombo, Daniela Colombo, Andrea Cordò, Irene Cosca, Bombina Coschignano, Tommaso Cossu, Giorgio Costantino, Egle Costantinopoli, Elena Covili, Dennis Crudo, Valeria D’Alessandro, Giulia Margherita Dalla Bona, Livia Daniele, Saba Danusso, Gaia D’Alpaos, Stefano D’Armento, Andrea De Giorgi, Federica Del Duca, Cihangir Demirel, Andrea Di Marzo, Ettore Disconzi, Valeria Donini, Giulia D’Onofrio, Sara El Aawar, Pietro Fedrigolli, Rebecca Felline, Lara Fraccadori, Mariana Lima Freire Santos, Andrea Fumagalli, Marco Galloni, Paola Gambero, Nika Gasimbeyli, Elisa Gibin, Anamaria Giraldo, Michele Gerli, Konstantina Gkovari, Benedetta Gozzi, Elif Gucman, Luigi Guerini, Michael Iannaco, Sergio Iemmola, Rojin Jahangirrad, Tamta Jugashvili, Isil Karaoglu, Merve Kocyigit, Anna Kononova, Nodar Kvanchiani, Celina Labanca, Adrian Labaut Hernández, Candelaria Lanza Castelli, Rubén Larramendi Soria, Alina Lippiello, Francesca Liva, Juan Manuel Jaramillo Lonono, Oana Luca, Giulia Luppino, Niko Malazonia, Enrico Mancadori, Matteo Mancinelli, Gianluca Manciola, Nicholas Manganini, Mauro Marinelli, Lorenzo Marsigli, Ilaria Martarelli, Hayk Martirosyan, Adolpho Meirelles, Luca Melis, Francesca Mellace, Julian Camilo Mendoza Rodriguez, Federica Mercandelli, Cesare Merluzzi, Endri Metaj, Samane Michael Qashqaei, Aldo Moccia, Andrea Mologni, Francesca Monteleone, Federica Montingelli, Marco Morselli, Arjon Muarremi, Alessandro Musolino, Anh Tuan Nguyen, Fabio Nicolò, Davide Andrea Nolli, Marta Novarini, Mattia Oretti, Ceren Ozsahin, Anna Pagliarusco, Federica Palermo, Ginevra Parietti, Chiara Parolini, Eleonora Pasino, Patrizio Pelosi, Manuela Perfetti, Margarita Petrova, Laura Pettinaroli, Armando Pjetri, Giovanni Podestà, Francesca Maria Pozzi, Alessandro Raffa, Vittorio Raspa, Selene Rini, Roelfke Rachele Rossignoli, Claudia Ronconi, Marilena Russo, Erika Sala, Mario Vera Saez, Marco Sala, Juan Andrés Salas Cardenas, Elia Sardina, Lorenzo Scappa, Riccardo Scarvaci, Matteo Schgör, Alessia Schirinzi, Enrico Sciannameo, Tommaso Serafini, Antonella Serinelli, Lorenzo Serra, Angelo Sertorelli, Pietro Servalli, Luca Simoncini, Andrea Somma, Maria Elena Soriero, Luca Stagnoli, Stanislav Tabov, Luca Tamburini, Antonio Tanzini, Valentina Tedeschi, Davide Tezza, Claudia Tiraboschi, Luana Torri, Matteo Tronci, Ilgin Egzi Tunc, Teodora Tyankova, Demet Guliz Uslu, Susàna Velasquez Ochoa, Marco Voltolina, Luisa Wang, Liu Xuda, Betul Yetkin, Andrea Zecchetti, Blazej Zemleduch, Daniele Zerbi, Yongheng Zhang.


Federica Crespi, Annalisa Di Pietto, Francesca Napoli.